C3 Mini-Lathe Metalworking Beginners |
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6x4 Bandsaw
Sieg C3 Mini-lathe and home metalworking hobby introductionWelcome to my hobby mini-lathe beginners site. Five years ago I purchased a Sieg C3 Chester UK 7x12 mini-lathe for the purpose of making small metal parts for my astronomy hobby. I soon discovered that metalworking is an new hobby! Finding information on the internet for machine shop metalworking beginners is not easy. I found a few useful pages, but had to use my own ingenuity to work out the methods needed to produce the various parts I wanted. This has turning into another major hobby - mini-lathe machining - which has become a lot of fun! I am not a machinist or a metalworking expert. By trade, I am a computer programmer. I have no formal (or informal!) training in the use of lathes and milling machines for metalwork. It has been something of an adventure to work out how to use these new metalworking tools. During these voyages of discovery I have made some notes on this webpage to try and help others in a similar situation. I am not for one moment suggesting that what I have written here is correct. There may be many important aspects that I am missing - but I don't know what they are, so I won't worry about them. I have only learnt things about mini-lathes and metalworking from reading websites. The most difficult subject seem to be thread cutting on a mini-lathe and threading operations on mini-lathe in general. But, if I can manage to figure out thread cutting and threading operations, I am sure anyone can! Please see my step by step threading guide and illustrated thread cutting notes using the links on the left. At this point I have to mention safely. Lathes spin around very fast. Stopping them takes a lot of force. Sharp bits of hot metal come flying out at random moments. Use your brain - blood does not make a good anodising dye, and it is hard to read verniers with no eyes. My mini-latheI did a lot of research on mini-lathes before buying one. I ended up with a 7x12 Chester Conquest Mini Lathe from Chester UK Ltd. Their webpage for this mini-lathe is here. I am very happy with this Chester Mini-lathe. Its certainly got its faults - handles that fall off and so forth, but I can't think of anything critical.
New section: The pros and cons of buying a combination mill, drill and lathe machineNew section: Mini-lathe buying guide - what to know when buying a lathe.New section: Mini-lathe buying guide - buying a hobby latheAlso see: DIY Homemade rotary table / dividing headTelescope worm wheels and gearsX1 micro mill - a small milling machine for the home workshopDIY telescope mountMini Lathe operationsThe basic mini-lathe operations are summerised as Facing, Turning, drilling, boring and threading. Follow the links on the left for my notes on these subjects. Also find a host of mini-lathe, micro-mill, mini-mill and general home workshop accessory information - I try to keep a note of most of the things I learn about this mad hobby of home machining. Home metalworking workshop developsAs time passed, I gradually aquired more metalworking tools. I purchased a Sieg X1 micro-mill milling machine and a 6 x 4 bandsaw and have experimented and learnt many many lessons over the years. I have tried to record some of my mini-lathe and home metalworking workshop projects and experiments on this page for all to see.I don't make a living out of this. I'm a developer and business consultant. Privacy Policy: We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
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6x4 Bandsaw